The Howard League for Penal Reform annual awards for the country’s most successful community projects encouraging desistance from crime – projects which help keep people out of the criminal justice system by providing alternative, proportionate, effective, and targeted interventions, helping to reduce the risk of re-offending. ( These annual awards celebrate best practice in diversionary work and champion work in the community that challenges and changes people for the better
Employment 4 All is proud that our Women’s Moving On Project: Thames Valley Berkshire has been shortlisted for the award in the Women category. Here are the 3 organisations shortlisted for Women category shortlist:
- Employment 4 All CIC – Women’s Moving On Project: Thames Valley Berkshire
- Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust Liaison and Diversion; and Alana House; and Thames Valley Police – Enrich
- Willowdene Rehabilitation – Willowdene Women’s Whole System Approach
We would like to thank the Howard League of Penal Reform to recognise our Moving On Project and those we support in this special way.